August 26, 2015
An ally of dieting


Specialists would advise to any person trying to lose unwanted weight that the first thing he/she needs is not to ‘hit the gym’, but a balanced diet. If results are to be achieved, one should refrain from eating unnatural products which contain many preservatives, artificial colourants and flavour enhancers. A person determined to get in shape should take care that the food he/she consumes is healthy and balanced.

People tend to identify taste as being the most important factor when choosing food, however, the main factor should be the amount of nutrients. Food should be both healthy and delicious, it should also leave one satiated and full of energy. This seems impossible? All this can be found in the unique product that is New Whites.

New Whites is rich in protein, one of the most important components for our health. It is comprised of 94% chicken egg whites, a very small amount of salt and water.

People who want to have a better-shaped body should aim to eat less products that are high in sugar and fat. New Whites is an excellent choice for these circumstances, as it contains no fat and a very small amount of sugar. A 100 grams of New Whites contains only 55 calories. Most importantly, New Whites solves one of the most difficult tasks for people aiming to lose weight: how to eat healthily and feel satiated after meals.

New Whites is a natural substitute for cheese, it can be used to give salads, soups and meat a new flavour. New Whites is an excellent supplement of high-fat cheese for sandwiches or a supplement of meat for stews. Finally, if you serve New Whites with fruit, the outcome will be not only a delicious, but also a very healthy and low-calorie desert.

August 25, 2015
A healthy diet with New Whites


Nowadays, a healthy diet is becoming an essential attribute of a modern person. Besides taste, naturalness, the amount of genetically modified organisms (GMOs), calories, and gluten all play a part in the selection of healthy food. Finding food that meets all these criteria is hard, but possible! This was already proved by the manufacturers of New Whites, who are favoured by health-conscious people.

Some persons take up dieting to lose weight or get in shape, others do it because they aim to lead a healthy life. New Whites is a product that caters for both groups. For people aiming to lose weight, eating high-protein food is very important, while calories, fat and carbohydrates should be avoided. New Whites perfectly meets these requirements. It is comprised of 94% chicken egg whites, a very small amount of salt and water, and contains no sugar. A 100 grams of New Whites  contain only 55 calories, yet it is nutritious and leaves one feeling satiated. Furthermore, New Whites is very easily digested, it contains no cholesterol, preservatives, or artificial flavour enhancers.

New Whites is called a natural supplement for cheese and is an excellent addition to the rations of healthy eaters. The product contains no controversial GMOs, gluten, and other hazardous additives which could be a cause of sickness, it is also free of lactose.

The natural and unique flavour of  New Whites is also an opportunity for some improvisation in the kitchen. New Whites  gives a rich flavour to fresh salad, gourmet dishes, or deserts. New Whites is frequently used to supplement not only cheese, but meat as well, which is great news for vegetarians who take great care when choosing their food.